A Break-up Letter to the Porn Industry

Breakups are always difficult. But sometime in the course of human events, as America's founding fathers once coined, a breakup becomes necessary.

5/29/20242 min read

Attn: Pornhub CEO

21620 N 19th Ave

Phoenix, AZ 85027

Dear dealers at PornHub,

I am writing this letter to you so that you can have some closure in our relationship and take the steps you need in order to permanently move on. I recognize that this is not necessary for me to do but I truly hope that you get the help you need to stop the destructive and toxic behaviors that have impacted everyone around you.

Our relationship started at a young age when I was vulnerable and unable to defend against your nefarious intentions for me. I was easily drawn into the bottomless vortex that is pornography by your promise to make me feel like I was enough. You arrived on my doorstep as a friend but as our relationship grew, so did my dependence on you. I now see that your promises and allure were nothing more than manipulation and gaslighting me into permanent submission.

For years I tried so hard to get away from you, but like every unhealthy relationship, I inevitably kept coming back to my abuser. When things got difficult later in life and the stress of broken relationships, kids, and the constant drumming of my career took its toll on my soul, I again willingly stepped back into your web of lies and manipulation.

Our very relationship has been reliant upon this balance: my unhealth and inability to say no.

So, allow me to say it now.


The reality is that the price of my relationship with you has been high, and although I was at first a willing participant, the damage it has caused to my mind and emotions has led me to see this relationship for what it truly is – toxic and abusive.

As I have taken steps to reclaim my mind from the pervasive and damaging effects of my relationship with you, I have started to see life through a different lens. Where you previously stunted my emotional growth and expressions of love towards my spouse, family, and friends, I am now free of the shame that our relationship bestowed on me.

Although our relationship might be at its end, I want you to know that I am well and that I wish you no harm. Yes, it is true that I am dedicating the rest of my life to helping others become free from the same toxic relationships they have with you, but I do this not out of ill-will towards you but out of love for others and their families.

Basically, what I am saying is that it’s not me, it’s you.

With love,

Someone who is free indeed.